Tuesday, May 26, 2009

05.26.09 (Tuesday)

Voila, I am back.

Had a Dr's appt last week on Tues, 5/19 - our 28wk mark. We're officially in the 3rd (and final) TRIMESTER! That went fast, didn't it?

The appointment went well. I had to take my Glucose Tolerance Test - the test that determines if you have gestational diabetes. You drink really nasty sweet kool-aid-like "drink" (I use the word DRINK lightly, as that implies it was a liquid. It was GROSS - like a watery jello cube. GAG!) and then get your blood drawn an hour later to see how your body's insulin level reacts. I had to practice some deep breathing at the 45 minute mark because I was SO NAUSEOUS, I thought the goopy red stuff was coming up!! I held my ground and made it to the 1 hr mark like a champ.

I just got the call tonight with my results, and I admit, I was a little nervous because there's generally a predisposition for gestational diabetes in a) chubby folk and b) those with PCOS. Combine those 2 factors with the fact that I really could only eat carbs the first 4 months of my pregnancy... I figured I'd be a sitting duck, but NOPE! I passed with flying colors!!!

I've been a little tired lately...ok, maybe more than a little. I feel asleep at 7pm on Friday night and slept 13 hours!!! OMG! I can't tell you the last time I slept so much. I guess my body needed it, because my bloodwork results also showed a low iron level. It was borderline low at 20wks, but definitely low at 28wks. I start supplements tomorrow. Hopefully I'll see a difference in my energy level!

I'd like to gather a focus group of preggos and write down all the STUPID comments we've been subjected to these past several months. I've gotten a few winners this week alone. Don't people (ESPECIALLY women, who've been there before?!) know what insensitive comments do to their overly emotional pregnant counterparts? We already cry for NO reason at all - DON'T GIVE US REASON!!!! No, I don't spill things on my belly because I'm messy, I just like to share with my baby!

I've started getting some things ready...I separated all of the hand-me-down clothing we've received into sizes and washed the newborn and 0-3 month things. They're in the dryer right now, then they'll go in Baby's dresser. I've found and purchased hospital gear - a nightshirt/dress and some capris/tees. We've packed away our winter coats and clothes, making room in Baby's closet for all his "stuff", and we found and purchased the CUTEST "coming home from the hospital" outfit for the tiny guy. We both love little man clothes on baby boys, as opposed to babyish pastels and teddy bears and fluff. So excited! I think maybe my brother would buy this outfit for himself if it came in his size. Hahahah

Speaking of brother, here's a pic from Memorial Day. My only reaction was "oooooof." It's a good thing I don't feel as huge as I look lately! No, there's no baby in my butt. Thanks for asking.

29 weeks today, only 11 to go. And that's IF I make it to my due date! I'm kinda hoping I don't make it - I wanna bite his chubby cheeks!!! :)

Be back soon!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

05.12.09 (Tuesday)

Hiiiiii :)
Just wanted to share some pics of the tiny guy --- we were given the opportunity to participate in new GE ultrasound machine training at Columbia's NY Presbyterian Hospital, and we were SO EXCITED to see our little squishy face in 3D or 4D (4D is 3D with motion - a video).

HOWEVER, it seems the little man doesn't really like to cooperate. He's still breech, curled up on my right side, facing my internal organs. AND he had both arms and both legs in front of his face about 98% of the time. hahahaha. Rich said he's totally my kid - stubborn and loves to be left alone!!!

From what we DID get to see, I think he's pretty cute. :)
(I might be a little biased.)

little smush face

face - open mouth, and yep, that's a leg and a foot up on the left side. I wanna eat his toes :)

they caught this pic mid-stretch. it was so cute - his arms and legs both went out, his back arched, and he yawned! aw!

hehehe my kid gives the finger already (top left)

from left to right: right leg, left leg, left arm (fist), THEN his face/head/ear

And finally, a little video of him squirming around in there:
YouTube link if the video below doesn't load:

Hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day - we did!

Next Dr appt: LATE on Tues 5/19.
I'll be back next week with updates!

(by request - i added a pic from Mother's Day!)