Sunday, April 26, 2009

04.26.09 (Sunday)

Hi everyone! I'm back!!

I had my 24wk appt last week, and FINALLLLLY, for the first time ever - all looks good! NO issues whatsoever! I even gained weight for the first time! The scale put me at +4.5lbs fully clothed (and after dinner), so now my total weight change is 17-18lbs less than my pre-pg weight. Where's my gold star???

Blood is good, urine is good, blood pressure is a happy 120/80. Yay.

The Dr was thrilled to hear that my morning hurl sessions are no longer solids, but mostly liquid. He said that's usually a sign of it slowing down! Let's hope he's right. YAAAAY!!!

No more sonos until the end, but at this point in time, baby is likely over a foot long and weighs about 2lbs. (plus another 2 pounds in amniotic fluid, and at least a pound in placenta! ewwies!) Our baby has been measuring big all along, so he may even be bigger than that! It's so strange that something the size of a poppy seed is now BABY sized.

Next Dr appt is in 4 wks.

Baby is moving ALLLLL DAYYYY LONGGG - I love every second of it! I can FINALLY stop worrying that he's OK in there, because he tells me. :) He REALLY REALLY LIKES green cactus salsa. I'm a pretty light sleeper, but THIS light?! Baby woke me up with his kicks yesterday!!! It was 6am and I think maybe he was doing bicycles or something. The kicks are definitely higher now than they've been the past couple of weeks - I wonder if he flipped over and isn't breech anymore? Either that or he's just punching me. Yay!

Long day yesterday - 6am wake up call and a fundraising gala for Rich's job at night - I was excited to hop into bed at 1am! And I slept til 9 today with only a few minor interruptions at 4 and 6. :) Yay!

Clearly, this has been a YAY post! :)
I feel the best I've felt in 6 months. I have some energy back,

Some pics:

24.5 weeks belly shot! (ignore the angry face - I was trying to hold the camera still with my right hand and it was a little difficult!)

And a pic from last night (taken after midnight- be gentle on me!!!)

Be back soon!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

04.16.09 (Thursday)

23 weeks now!
Hope everyone had a nice Easter :)

No changes here, everything is still status quo. Of course, there's the usual growing gut... and of course, daily [some discrete, some not so much] belly button inspections courtesy of Rich. Some wonderful person that he works with told him that it usually pops out by the end, so he's become a little obsessed. Just for the record, its still very much an innie.

We went to Citi Field last night (after I worked all day) - and yeahhhhh, I can't see that happening again anytime soon! I was exhausted all day today! Feel pretty lousy. It's now 8pm and I'm in bed as I type this.

No Dr. appts until the end of April, so no medical news for another couple weeks.

Easter Pic - Sunday, 04.12.09

Last night at the Mets Game...SEE? I look tired!!! Wednesday 04.15.09
Baby enjoyed himself - I got lots of kicks the whole time!

Be back soon :)
Does anyone still read this? LoL

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

04.07.09 (Tuesday)

22 weeks already! That went fast, didn't it?

Mom, Dad, Danielle, and Tom came over tonight and we (ok - mostly Dad/Tom, but I DID put some knobs on AND I picked up the screwdriver gun once...) put the dresser together. I can't wait for the crib and the rug to get here so I can start making it look like a nursery! :)

Lots and lots of kicks these past few days. In fact, when I pushed where the kicks were this morning, he totally pushed back. hahahahaha


Here I am.... large and in charge....STILL DOWN 20 LBS, SO I DON'T WANT ANY FAT COMMENTS!!! (and yes, "Chubsy" counts!)

Will update soon...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

04.04.09 (Saturday)


I think this kid has woken up in there! hahaha!!!

The past few days, it feels like THIS in my tummy! I call Rich over when baby's really wiggling, but he hasn't been able to feel him yet. We'll keep trying!

All is well over here. I feel pretty good! Only sick in the morning. I'm sleeping well, although it's starting to get a little uncomfortable. I'm a usual tummy sleeper, and well, that's not quite possible anymore. I end up propping myself on my side with blankets - it's working so far. I can't see getting one of those body pillows. They're huge!

Soooo we're off to Citi Field today for baby's first in-utero Mets game. Should be fun!

I'll check back in soon :) ... maybe with pics from the game later!